Shan Ye


A data-driven geoscientist


Chinese webpage: 地大官网页面

NICE, Future Science City
Changping District, Beijing
People's Republic of China, ZIP 102211

Social Media

Twitter @yeshan_geo

ORCID 0000-0001-9814-4771



Currently, I am actively involved in the Deep-time Digital Earth (DDE), an IUGS-recognized international big science program. My work with DDE includes developing the digital basin agent product empowered by the GeoGPT, and exploring a more efficient way of multi-modal geological entity classification for large language models. In addition, I conduct research on quality evaluations, modifiable areal unit problems, and sampling bias issues in paleoclimate, paleoenvironmental and paleontological data. I also supervise undergraduate students on small-scale research projects in computer vision, data extraction, software engineering, and user interface/experience design.

Past participated projects