- Zhou Z.*, Duan X., Yu Y., Ma L., Moreno A., Xia Y., Chen L., Ye S. and Cong R., “Recent Advances and Applications of NMR Techniques in Plastic Characterizations” Analytical Chemistry, 2025.
- Gu Z., Li W., Zhou B., Wang Y., Chen Y., Ye S., Wang K., Gu H., and Kang Y.*, “GISphere Knowledge Graph for Geography Education: Recommending Graduate Geographic Information System/Science Programs” Transactions in GIS, 2024.
- Ye S., Wang J.*, Liu Q., and Tarhan L.G., “International collaboration in geoscience lags behind other scientific disciplines” Nature Geoscience, 2024.
- Ye S.*, “A Sensitivity Test on the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem in the Spatial Aggregation of Fossil Data” Geosciences, 2024.
- Cao Z., Ma C.*, Tang W., Zhou Y., Zhong H., Ye S., Wu K., Chen X., Zheng D., Hou L., Zhang Y., and Hou M., “CoreViT: a new vision transformer model for lithology identification in cores” Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2024.
- Ye S.*, “Investigating the role of contemporary climate on fossil collecting bias” Paleontological Research, 2024.
- Hou L., Ma C.*, Tang W., Zhou Y., Ye S., Chen X., Zhang X., Yu C., Chen A., Zheng D., and Cao Z., “DDViT: Advancing lithology identification on FMI image logs through a dual modal transformer model with less information drop” Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2024.
- He H., Ma C.*, Ye S., Tang W., Zhou Y., Yu Z., Yi J., Hou L., Hou M., “Low resource Chinese geological text named entity recognition based on prompt learning” Journal of Earth Science, 2024
- Ye S.*, Cuzzone J., Marcott S.A., Licciardi J., Ward D., Heyman J., and Quinn D., “A quantitative assessment of snow shielding effects on surface exposure dating from a western North American 10Be data compilation” Quaternary Geochronology, 2023
- Ye S.*, and Peters S.E., “Bedrock geological map predictions for Phanerozoic fossil occurrences” Paleobiology, 2023
- Wang Y., Kang Y.*, Liu H., Hou C., Zhou B., Ye S., Liu Y., Rao J., Pei Z., Ye X., and Gao S., “Choosing GIS graduate programs from afar: Chinese students’ perspectives” Transactions in GIS, 2023
- Kang Y., Wu K., Gao S.*, Ng I., Rao J., Ye S., Zhang F., and Fei T., “STICC: a multivariate spatial clustering method for repeated geographic pattern discovery with consideration of spatial contiguity” International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2022
Ongoing papers
- Ye S.*, Hartman S., Carrano M., Peters S.E., and Wang J., “Sedimentary rock quantity and the dinosaur fossil record in the Cretaceous of North America” in prep
Conference abstracts and preprints
- Ye S., “Generative AI May Prefer to Present National-level Characteristics of Cities Based on Stereotypical Geographic Impressions at the Continental Level” Arxiv Preprint, 2023
- Ye S., Marcott S.A., Quinn D., Cuzzone J., Heyman J., Licciardi J., Ward D., “A quantitative assessment of snow shielding effects on surface exposure dating from a western United States 10Be data compilation” GSA Connects Oregon, 2021
- Ye S., “A Python notebook for extracting and manipulating Macrostrat data” EarthCube Online, 2021.
- Goring S., Marsicek J., Ye S., Marcott S.A., Williams J., Meyers S.R., Peters S.E., Quinn D., Schaen A., and Singer B., “Locating Pliocene and Pleistocene ice-rafted debris using GeoDeepDive” Earth Arxiv Preprint, 2021
- Quinn D., Linzmeier B., Sundell K., Bruck B., Ye S., Gehrels G., Goring S., Marcott S.A., Meyers S.R., Peters S.E., Ross J.I., Schmitz M.D., Singer B., Williams J., “The Sparrow laboratory information management system - A tool for connecting geochemical data to context and community” GSA Connects Online, 2020
- Quinn D., Linzmeier B., Sundell K., Bruck B., Ye S., Gehrels G., Goring S., Marcott S.A., Meyers S.R., Peters S.E., Ross J.I., Schmitz M.D., Singer B., Williams J., “The Sparrow software interface for linking analytical data and metadata in laboratory archives” EarthCube Online, 2020
- Ye S., “Spatial assessment of induced earthquakes in North-Central Oklahoma” AAPG Mid-Continent, Lincoln, 2018
- Ye S., “Assessment of the MDG-2 and educational resource in Detroit, a spatial perspective” GSP Detroit, 2014
- Ph.D. Dissertation (2022): A quantitative investigation of large geoscientific datasets: how records of geochronology and macroevolution are distorted by paleoclimate, paleoenvironment, and sediment preservation
- M.S. Thesis (2018): Finite element method analysis of multi-layer buckling systems with heterogeneous matrices